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OGWA 2018
OGWA, the Oil and Gas West Asia Conference and Exhibition, takes place every two years in Muscat. It is a key event focusing mainly in EOR themes. The three-day event is organized by Oman Expo, in cooperation with the Ministry of Oil and Gas and the Society of Petroleum Engineers, at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre in Muscat.
In 2018, it took place from 26-28th March. It was the 10th OGWA and the 5th in which Partex participated, having always been a Silver Sponsor of the event.
The Opening Ceremony was presided by H.E. Salim Al Aufi, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Oil and Gas, who delivered the keynote speech.
Partex, besides being a sponsor, had quite an active participation:
- José Pereira, Middle East Representative, was a member of the Executive Committee responsible for the organization of the event.
- António Costa Silva, President of the Management Commission, was a speaker in the Executive Plenary Session.
- Maria Teresa Ribeiro, E&P Manager, was a member of the Steering Committee of the Workshop “Women to Excel” and Chairperson of one of the sessions.
- Odete Silva was a speaker in the Workshop “Women to Excel”.
- José Lozano was a delegate to the Conference.
- A technical paper on “Characterization of a biopolymer produced by Arthrobacter viscosus” was presented, co-authored by Partex and professors of the University of Minho.
About 420 companies participated in the Exhibition. In the Conference, 365 papers were presented, from 93 companies and 33 countries.